55:25Episode 1
Beginner 07
Episode 1
Equipment: Box
38:47Episode 2
Beginner 05
Episode 2
Equipment: Box
37:41Episode 3
Beginner 04
Episode 3
Equipment: Box
41:36Episode 4
Beginner 03
Episode 4
Equipment: Box
32:31Episode 5
Beginner 02
Episode 5
Equipment: Box
55:21Episode 6
Beginner 01
Episode 6
No props needed.
46:07Episode 7
46 Min Reset 10 #399
Episode 7
A full body workout with a wonderful balance of strength and stretch.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Box -
44:42Episode 8
44 Min Reset 09 #398
Episode 8
A full body workout with some balance challenges.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Box -
51:44Episode 9
51 Min Reset 07 #396
Episode 9
A full body workout that will leave you feeling strong!
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: 8-10 inch slightly deflated ball (if you don't have this, don't worry!), Box -
54:45Episode 10
55 Min Reset 05 #395
Episode 10
A full body workout that will leave you feeling accomplished!
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Box -
43:01Episode 11
43 Min Reset 01 #384
Episode 11
A full body workout that will leave you feeling rejuvenated.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Box -
50:22Episode 12
50 Min Feeling Strong #382
Episode 12
A wonderful balance between strength and active stretches - this one's not for beginners. We stay strong for the entire session and finish with a delicious Cleopatra stretch!
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Reformer box
Optional Prop: 8-10 inch ball -
37:21Episode 13
37 Min Prop Me Up #373
Episode 13
A full body workout using the Magic Circle and ball. Standing work included. Lots of fun to be had.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Reformer box
Props: Magic circle (mini or regular or both), 8-10 inch ballMini Magic Circle link: https://www.pilates.com/products/pi...
32:34Episode 14
32 Min Props Galore #363
Episode 14
Starting off with Short Box Abdominals, followed by some glute work and some very yummy stretching in between!
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Hot
Props: Elastic band, 2 or 3 pound hand weights, 8-10 inch ball, reformer box. -
35:52Episode 15
35 Min Full Body with the Ball #362
Episode 15
We start off with abdominal work, followed by upper body and a little bit of glute work.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Props: 8-10 inch ball slightly deflated. Loop/booty elastic band optional for one exercise. Reformer box. -
44:03Episode 16
44 Min Classical Pilates 04 #365
Episode 16
A full body workout, building heat throughout the session and finishing strong! Most of these exercises are from the classical Pilates repertoire.
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Blazing
Equipment: Box -
36:17Episode 17
36 Min Energy Renew #355
Episode 17
Starting with feet in straps, this session guides you through stretches and mobility work with some feel-good strengthening moves.
Reformer technique level: 1
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: reformer box -
39:41Episode 18
40 Min Challenge #350
Episode 18
A full body flow using the Magic Circle for a good first half. We get into a couple of higher technique level exercises towards the end.
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Hot
Props: Magic circle, box
Optional props: 2 or 3 pound hand weightsMini magic circle link: https://www.pilat...
31:52Episode 19
31 Min Reset #353
Episode 19
Feel-good moves that will mobilize your spine and shoulders, and open up your hips. It's still work, but we get some great stretches in too!
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Props: box -
35:21Episode 20
35 Min Advanced Flow #345
Episode 20
A fun and challenging workout using props in the beginning!
Reformer level 3
Props needed: 2 or 3 pound hand weights, loop resistance band -
52:19Episode 21
52 Min Strong Full Body #344
Episode 21
A fun workout with challenges sprinkled throughout that will leave you feeling strong and rejuvenated at the same time!
Reformer level 2.5
Props: box -
39:21Episode 22
39 Min Classical Pilates 03 #334
Episode 22
A full body workout with mostly classical Pilates exercises. Advanced technique moves sprinkled throughout.
Reformer level 3
Props: box -
50:08Episode 23
50 Min Modern Flow #330
Episode 23
A full body workout with creative moves. You will feel your inner thighs with this one...
Reformer level 2
Props: box, 2 pound hand weights (optional) -
31:14Episode 24
31 Min Energy Boost Box Flow #325
Episode 24
A great way to wake up the body and enjoy a boost of energy! We'll be using the box for most of the session.
Reformer level 2
Props: Box