An amazing workout focused on improving posture as we strengthen the whole body. There's a fun choreography with one weight and one strap, Scooters with added weighted arm work, and we finish it off with feet in straps.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Box, 3 or 2 pound hand weights optional
Up Next in 30-60 Min Reformer
43 Min Athletic Flows #452
Mainly core and upper body work with a spicy lunge series sneaked in half way through. We also do a bit of teaser work near the end.
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Blazing
Equipment: Box, 3 or 2 pound hand weights optional -
34 Min Box Flows #451
An entire workout with the box! We start off with a plank series, and then focus a lot on abs, upper body, posture and glute work.
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Blazing
Equipment: Box -
39 Min Feeling Strong #446
We warm up with footwork and bridges, followed by strengthening abs and posture muscles. We then bring our focus to a standing inner thigh flow, and end with a challenging - but fun - short box abdominal series!
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Box, 5 pound hand weight...