Get your creative flow fix in this workout! We'll focus mostly on lower body (side glutes and inner thighs) and include some upper body work with optional hand weights, toping it off with abdominal work towards the end.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Optional hand weights (Gabrielle used 3 pounds)
Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links:
Up Next in 30-60 Min Reformer
45 Min Back of the Body #524
With a mix of classical and contemporary moves, we focus on strengthening the back of the body with, of course, lots of core work!
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: BoxBalanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links:
31 Min Energy Outlet #531
Enjoy this full body workout when you have a great amount of energy/feelings in you and you just need to let it out... We've all been there!
Technique level: 2
Intensity level: Blazing
Equipment needed: BoxBalanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranpila...
42 Min Ground and Open #530
This workout focuses on lower body and posture work. It feels amazing, especially if you've been traveling and need a minute to ground down and feel more open and free through the front of the body.
Technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment needed: BoxBalanced Body reformers and equip...