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Watch this video and more on Saran Pilates

30-60 minutes

41 Min Cross Body Chain Workout #496


Up Next in 30-60 Min Reformer

  • 31 Min Simple Classical Moves #486

    Sticking to the classical, simple moves in this half hour full body workout.

    Reformer technique level: 2
    Intensity level: Hot
    Equipment: Box

    Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links:

  • 30 Min Isometric Hold Nº2 #485

    An isometric move requires you to hold a static position while your muscles are under tension. This type of training improves muscular endurance, helps lower blood pressure - therefore, great for heart health, and it provides performance advantages for activities like running, swimming and cyclin...

  • 43 Min Lower Body Strength and Stretc...

    This lower body workout is for everyone, AND especially great to help those looking to prevent knee replacement surgery! We'll talk a bit about that during our workout.
    If you haven't seen the physical therapy video about this topic, we suggest you start there to learn more about knee replacement...