pilates mat start here

pilates mat start here

Brush up on Pilates fundamentals! That means: learning how to properly engage your core, finding correct body alignment, and activating the right muscles for each exercise. And you know what's great about this series? No equipment is needed. So when you're on the go, you'll have easy access to this lovely series that will genuinely make you feel good. It's also a great one to share with family members if you all find yourselves stuck at home on a rainy day 😉

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pilates mat start here
  • Intro to the Mat Start Here Series

    Brush up on Pilates fundamentals! That means: learning how to properly engage your core, finding correct body alignment, and activating the right muscles for each exercise. And you know what's great about this series? No equipment is needed. So when you're on the go, you'll have easy access to th...

  • Pilates Mat Start Here 01

    Brush up on Pilates fundamentals! In this session we'll go through core work, spinal mobility, and some glute strengthening as well. No props needed, just your mat!

    Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranpilates.com/shop

  • Pilates Mat Start Here 02

    Brush up on Pilates fundamentals! In this session we start off with core work and follow it with back strengthening to improve posture. We'll talk a bit about oppositional pulls. No props needed, just your mat!

    Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranp...

  • Pilates Mat Start Here 03

    Brush up on Pilates fundamentals! In this session we'll do a bit of what we did in the two previous classes from this series (core and back work) plus a bit more glute work! No props needed, just your mat!

    Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranpilate...

  • Pilates Mat Start Here 04

    Brush up on Pilates fundamentals! In this session we'll do quite a bit of waist strengthening and we'll also work and talk about the shoulders! No props needed, just your mat!

    Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranpilates.com/shop