Mainly core and upper body work with a spicy lunge series sneaked in half way through. We also do a bit of teaser work near the end.
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Blazing
Equipment: Box, 3 or 2 pound hand weights optional
Up Next in reformer
34 Min Box Flows #451
An entire workout with the box! We start off with a plank series, and then focus a lot on abs, upper body, posture and glute work.
Reformer technique level: 3
Intensity level: Blazing
Equipment: Box -
11 Min Abs of Steel #450
Strengthen your abs in seated, lying down, and quadruped positions.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
No props needed. -
14 Min Lower Body Workout Lying Down ...
Strengthen your hamstrings, glutes and inner thighs without even getting up! We use the little Pilates ball for a big part of the workout.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: 8-10 inch ball