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Watch this video and more on Saran Pilates

30-60 minutes

48 Min Advanced Session #501


Up Next in 30-60 Min Reformer

  • 41 Min Cross Body Chain Workout #496

    Let's talk about cross body connections in this wonderful full body workout! Feel how these cues help you connect to your body in deeper ways, like with alignment, balance and muscle activation.

    Reformer technique level: 2
    Intensity level: Blazing
    Equipment: Box, hand weights optional (Gabriell...

  • 31 Min Simple Classical Moves #486

    Sticking to the classical, simple moves in this half hour full body workout.

    Reformer technique level: 2
    Intensity level: Hot
    Equipment: Box

    Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links:

  • 30 Min Isometric Hold Nº2 #485

    An isometric move requires you to hold a static position while your muscles are under tension. This type of training improves muscular endurance, helps lower blood pressure - therefore, great for heart health, and it provides performance advantages for activities like running, swimming and cyclin...