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Watch this video and more on Saran Pilates

Watch this video and more on Saran Pilates

level 2

43 Min Full Body Easy on the Wrists #508


Up Next in Level 2 Reformer

  • 39 Min Upper Body Strength Lower Body...

    The perfect workout for post running and cycling, or if you simply crave some upper body and core strengthening along with lower body stretching.

    Reformer technique level: 2
    Intensity level: Hot
    Equipment: Box

    Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranp...

  • 15 Min Effective Express #499

    With a strong focus on glutes and hamstrings, we do tie in some optional upper body work by holding a weighted bar or hand weights. If you have time for a longer workout, consider starting with workout #498:

    Reformer technique level:...

  • 23 Min Strong Arms #498

    A fun no-props-needed workout where we'll focus on strengthening both the front and back of the upper body. If you want to tag on another workout after this one, check out workout #499 for a lower body session:

    Reformer techniq...