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Watch this video and more on Saran Pilates

40 Min Advanced Flow #557

reformer • 40m

Up Next in reformer

  • 21 Min Upper Body Prenatal #565

    Adrienne guides you through a core activating and upper body workout, that's great whether or not you're pregnant! Upright kneeling balance is required for some of these moves, which is why we don't recommend this class for beginners.

    Reformer technique level: 2
    Intensity level: Hot
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  • 20 Min Breathe and Reset #558

    Reset, destress, and calm your nervous system down with this feel-good session that focuses on breath work and stretching.

    Reformer technique level: 1
    Intensity level: Warm
    Equipment: 8-10 inch ball

    Reformers, equipment and straps discounted through our links:

  • 52 Min Grasshopper Theme #561

    A technically advanced full body workout that will help you achieve your best Grasshopper yet! You'll definitely feel your glutes working, as well as your abs and upper body. Enjoy!

    Reformer technique level: 3
    Intensity level: Hot
    Equipment: Box, 8-10 inch ball

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