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Enjoy spinal mobility work on the Arc as we strengthen abs and back muscles. Upper body and lower body work are also included.
Reformer level 2
Equipment: Pilates arc and 8-10 inch ball
Up Next in Level 2 Reformer
Grounded Body #295
Strengthen your legs and glutes and feel more grounded with this 32 minute session.
Reformer level 2
No props needed -
40 Min Jump Around #301
A challenging - but fun - full body jump session!
Reformer jumpboard level 2
Props: box, 8-10 inch ball -
Elongated Body #292
A full body workout focusing on elongating the body: finding space, actively reaching, opening up through the chest, and working on posture.
Reformer level 2
Props: box, and an 8-10 inch ball for one exercise (but it can also be done without)
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