A fun workout using the magic circle! This is a full body workout but your inner thighs maaayyy be getting a little more attention.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: Mini or regular-sized magic circle, box
Direct link to Mini Magic Circle: https://www.pilates.com/products/pilates-rings-ultra-fit-circle-mini/?bbAffiliateID=715151PR
Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranpilates.com/shop-equipment
Up Next in Level 2 Reformer
19 Min Infinity Bar #495
Using the infinity bar, we target abdominals and posture muscles. We finish with a lovely stretch.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: A reformer with the infinity bar (bar that moves horizontally)Balanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https:...
31 Min Simple Classical Moves #486
Sticking to the classical, simple moves in this half hour full body workout.
Reformer technique level: 2
Intensity level: Hot
Equipment: BoxBalanced Body reformers and equipment discounted through my links: https://www.saranpilates.com/shop-equipment
30 Min Isometric Hold Nº2 #485
An isometric move requires you to hold a static position while your muscles are under tension. This type of training improves muscular endurance, helps lower blood pressure - therefore, great for heart health, and it provides performance advantages for activities like running, swimming and cyclin...
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