These are important modifications to know about if you are pregnant and are using a Reformer.
You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any of the exercises in this program, and you should obtain specific approval before performing any of the exercises in this program if you have any chronic or recurring physical conditions, and/or if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or elderly. The instruction presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice or counseling.
Up Next in Reformer 2nd Trimester
31 Min Prenatal Second Trimester #421
We work on strengthening legs, glutes, triceps and core. Finishing off with pelvic floor release work.
Equipment: No equipment needed, however if you have a significant bump grab a wedge/pillows.
23 Min Prenatal Second Trimester #425
We focus on staying strong, grounded and centered. Incorporating a bit more pelvic floor release work throughout the workout.
Equipment: Box, wedge/pillow if you have a big bump
20 Min Prenatal Second Trimester #429
Starting with lower body work, we then finish up with upper body work and pelvic floor release work.
No props needed.